You are required to give your consent to the following for Counseling:
- You will provide authentic and correct information in the registration form
- You are 18 years of age or older
- You accept that the provision of the consulting services are understood as taking place in India and the consulting services will be governed by Indian laws
- During the initial session we may both need to find out whether we can work together effectively. I, Dr. Vinaya Prabha may choose not to provide internet counseling for certain people.
- Either one of us may choose to discontinue the counseling at any time.
- consulting appointments will be given at the earliest but if there is a waiting list there could be a delay in the scheduling of the counseling sessions.
- You are seeking consulting services specifically for personal counseling or therapy and not in connection with any research project either for publication or for private use.
- Dr Vinaya Prabha will not be held responsible for direct or consequential loss due to internet service failures or computer malfunction.
- Dr Vinaya Prabha does not provide a 24-hour emergency service. You will have to identify appropriate medical and consulting services in your local area for emergency assistance, if required.
- Dr Vinaya Prabha is not a medical doctor and does not provide medical advice. The counseling or therapy services provided via this site will not be construed as the practice of medicine or telemedicine.
- There is no warranty as to the effectiveness of the consulting service provided by Dr Vinaya Prabha.

Don’t hesitate to ask us!